Anyone that my mom or I has ever served this to has loved it, men and woman alike. You may know this already or you may not even care but oh well I will say it anyway. This is my warning I have heard several reports of people feeling fine then all of a sudden, sneaking right up on them, the buzz kicks in. Please act like the responsible adults you are and be safe and please, I beg of you, please do not drink and drive.
Yukon Jack Punch
Source: Michelle, my mom
1 bottle (750 ML) Yukon Jack whisky
2 large (46 oz ) cans pineapple juice
2-3 two-liters Sprite or 7-up, chilled
In a large bowl mix together the entire bottle of Yukon Jack and both cans of pineapple juice. Mix well and place in freezer. Stir every 12 hours or so to keep the liquids mixed well. Mixture is ready to serve when it is frozen slushy, it usually takes 2 to 3 days to achieve this. Store mixture in freezer to keep it's slushy consistency.
When ready to serve, fill a glass 1/3 to 1/2 of the way full with slush mixture and top off of with Sprite or 7-up. Garnish with skewer of fresh fruit (pineapple and cherries are good) if desired.
I've never had yukon jack but I'd have to say this looks AMAAAAZINGLY delicious!!!!!
Mmm - yukon jack & pine! Its a great drink!
Ummm...what is yukon jack? I would love to try this, but maybe I've been living under a rock...I have no idea what it is!
Cate - Yukon Jack is a whisky. You should be able to find it at any liquor store. :)
Looks gr8.Hvn't heard abt Yukon Jack before.As i m a serious drunker thats why feeling fanatical and can't wait anymore.Anyway i hv a question 2 ask is it b harmful 2 our health if i take it daily.
I made this punch for my girlfriends bachelorette party, it was a hit, thanks for sharing!
i'm not a big drinker either but i like the girly drinks that are really sweet and not too strong ;) this looks perfect for a summer party, though
LOL. I took your warning on responsible drinking very seriously so served this punch at a family reunion where everyone was staying over.
Have to say it went down a treat.
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