Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It is Giveaway time!!

I had so much fun with my last giveaway that I thought a new one would be in order. Perhaps it is a shameless plug for my new Etsy shop, Amber's Crafty Corner. maybe not. :) The bottom line is that you could win some of my beautiful handmade Christmas cards to mail out to your loved ones this holiday season.

Two lucky people will win an assorted set of 5 Christmas cards. All you need to do to enter is leave a comment in this post. It does not matter what you write as long as you leave a comment. One entry per person please.

Set Number 1

Set Number 2

This giveaway starts today, November 18, 2008 and will close at midnight eastern time on Sunday November 30th, 2008. The winner will be chosen by the random integer number generator on random.com and announced on Monday December 1, 2008.

Good luck!!

As an added bonus and a thank you for participating in my giveaway I am offering free shipping to anyone that places a custom card order with me before November 30, 2008. To get started with your custom order you can take a look around my Etsy shop, then send me a message through my Etsy site, or e-mail me at amberscraftycorner at comcast dot net with your ideas and I will work with you to create your one of a kind Christmas (or any other themed) cards.


Cassi said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, those cards are beatiful! Here's hoping random.com picks a low number :)

Amy said...


Courtney said...

Amber, I'm just wowed by those cards! They are so beautiful!

Amanda Williams said...

Those cards are beautiful!

Jen said...

Very cute!

Sarah - The Home Cook said...

You made those!? They are gorgeous!

Julie said...

Those are so cute! I can tell you worked really hard on them!

#1SAHM said...

those cards are beautiful!

Kelly said...

These are so cute. I would love to send these out to family!

Laura-IH said...

Oh, I didn't know you had a crafty corner! Awesome! I love your blog! : )

Anonymous said...

Those cards are gorgeous! You have some serious talent.

Ashley said...

Amber those are beautiful. You have a real talent there.

Anonymous said...

too freaking cute Amber!

Macaroni and Cheesecake said...

Beautiful! I would be so happy to send those out:)

Liz K said...

Your cards look terrific!

Kira said...

Those would be a hit with my best friend!

Jessica said...

Oh SO cute! I love them! I'm impressed, and I might have to order some!

Anonymous said...

Those are beyond cute! Pick me!! =)

aubrie said...

What cute cards! I love them!

Anonymous said...

I hope it's me! Your cards are BEAUTFIUL!!! :-)

Nanna said...

pretty cards!

Madam Bleu said...

Those are great!

Anonymous said...

Amber, all of your cards are so cute!

Becca said...

They're beautiful!

Kate said...

Amber, those cards are so cute! I would love to win some!

Anonymous said...

Love the cards! Nice work!

Mata Family said...

You are very creative! They are beautiful cards!

Heather said...

You have given me a great idea for the business I am trying to start up! Thank you!!

Jenn said...

Your Christmas cards are beautiful!

Jade said...

I love your cards. They are beautiful!

Anne said...

Those are so cute!

Carrie's Creations said...

You are so talented, I love them!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your cards are beautiful!

Michele said...

I didn't know you were as creative outside the kitchen as you are inside! The cards are beautiful. What a fun way to make some extra cash for the holiday season! Good Luck!

Newlywed Hostess said...

How Cute!

Anonymous said...

Cute cards!! I love them!

CB said...

I am sitting here trying to pick a favorite and I can't. They are all beautiful cards. I love that they are so unique and creative! I hope I win! Thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway.

Lindsay said...

Oh I love homemade cards!

Spryte said...

Amber you ROCK!

Anonymous said...

These cards are adorable. So different! Would love to win these.

Sally said...

What fun cards!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

Good luck with your Etsy store! Etsy is so much fun! And I love your handmade cards. I know you will do well. Thanks for the fun giveaway! I so enjoy your blog!

Stacey said...

Those are super cute!

Anonymous said...

Cute Cards!

Anonymous said...

Amber, your cards are beautiful. I hope I win!!

Court Cooks said...

Great cards!!!

Kirsten said...

PICK ME PICK ME!! Your cards are great...

Amy said...

Love the cards! This is a hobby I would love to learn.

Stefany said...

Wow, the cards are beautiful! You are so creative!

Anonymous said...


The Yellow Spoon said...

Love the blog and *love* the cards. I'd settle for some baked goods as a consolation prize. ;)

Kristina R. said...

So cute. They would go great with my gift baskets.

Crystal's Creations said...

I love your blog and now your gorgeous Christmas cards!

Anonymous said...

I ::heart:: your cards! You are so talented:)

Leslie Craven said...

love homemade things ~~ maybe I'll win!

Bob said...

If I could win handmade Christmas cards for my girlfriend she would be thrilled. Cmon. I'll send you any baked good from my blog! :D

Annemarie said...

Cute cards!! I should be so lucky...!

JenHunsaker said...

I love homemade cards... especially if someone else "homemakes" them. (Is that even a word?)

Britni said...

These are darling!!

xigumdrops said...

Wow they look great!

Lisa @ Life with 4! said...

I guess I better get my stamps and supplies out to make some cards. It's that time of year again!

Maeghan said...

Oh let me be a winner so I can have the cutest Xmass cards around this year!!!

Jess said...

Cute cards. I really like reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

The card with the mittens is really cute!!!

Maria said...

What a fun giveaway! The cards are super cute!!

The Cook Family said...

How lovely! Much better than box cards. I'm glad we have been slacking this year and haven't gotten any, since I forgot to get some in the after Christmas clearance sales last year.

Jess said...

what beautiful cards!

Anonymous said...

so cute!

Amy W said...

So very cute!

Anonymous said...

Those are super cute!
**crossing my fingers**

Unknown said...

Nice cards!

nicole said...

These look great! Hope I win!!

Margaret said...

Those are adorable! I wish I had the talent to make this!

Anonymous said...

Oh I'd love to win! Thank you!

ashley said...

wow i didn't realize you had an etsy store. your cards are so cute!

Holly said...

Cute cards! You're so multi-talented!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win...they're so cute!!

Does it help that we share the same name?!

Ashley said...

those cards are crafty! hope I win!

The Potter Family said...

Cute! :-)

Sharon said...

Beautiful cards!

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I love etsy & your blog!

Jenna said...

These cards are too cute! And I love your recipes :)

White Toast with Butter said...

I'm in!

MrsSisler said...

Amber, I love all of your cards! So cute. I'd love to win a set! I don't have a blog anymore, so let me know on WC when I win, k!?!

Suzanne Rowe said...

i'd like to enter. I stumbled upon your site from a friend of a friend of a friend!! i love it!

Thanks for sharing all your fab recipes!

Topher said...


Joey said...

Pick me pick me! :)

Anonymous said...

wow those cards are awesome..you are talented!!!! PICK ME!! :)

Anonymous said...

Very cute cards!